
Friday, September 3, 2010

Can I use Quadratic Equations to figure out how to boil an egg?

We spend so much of our lives in school, yet how much knowledge do we retain? There are things we learn that every functioning adult needs to know, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, basic algebra, reading, vocabulary, grammar, spelling, biology and history. There are also things we learn that I bet 95% of us do not use- such as trigonometry, calculus, really advanced long division and geometry (nope, no one ever asked me to prove a square was actually a square).

And then there is gym! Why are gym classes solely focused on sports? What about aerobics, running/jogging, weight training, ballet, hip hop, salsa or yoga? I don't think its wrong we are taught about sports but all the competition it causes is unnecessary. And instead of making everyone participate in team basketball games, why not first learn the rules of the game, watch some ACTUAL games where professionals play and then play a handful of games? Sure, some of us go on to be football legends and it all started when we first played in school. But you know what? Some of us might like to become professional dancers or yoga instructors too.

There are so many 20-somethings that finish college, have a law degree, get a job with a prestigious firm but can't boil an egg. Said 20-something gets own apartment and their life falls apart. Why not teach cooking classes? A real world finance class? A basic home repair class? Driving? But no, the Board of Ed. leaves these things up to the parents. To them, its right along with music lessons or swimming. Newsflash, not all parents know how to do these things, have the time to teach them or just don't want to. If we had more "life" classes a college grad would know how to find the right price for an apartment, how not to have bad credit, how to shop sensibly, how to balance their checkbook, how to budget, how to buy simple items to make meals that are healthier than takeout, how to drive in case they get a job where travel is required and how to replace broken knobs in their kitchens.

And whatever happened to vocational high schools? Why aren't ALL high schools career oriented? Why not offer computer certification classes or paralegal classes with required internships? This way, if the student decides to go on this same career path, they will already have a knowledge base. If they don't go to college right away, at least they can have a job that's better than being a cashier. Or, if they do start college they can get a decent job while training in a different field.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Cinnamon is delicious, natural and claims to have some health benefits when taken in moderation. Instead of all these artificial chocolate syrups and milk drinks, why don't we just make cinnamilk? Plus, its a lot more versatile than Hershey's syrup.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Little Baby Rant

It is so annoying when parents start referring to any baby over a year old as 24 months, or 2.4 years old. If the kid is 24 months, they are two years old. If they are 2.4, they are umm basically TWO. Do you also have 1.5 children?

Office Space

I understand that I do not "own" my space in the office. But since I am here from eight-ten hours a day, it is, mine.

Here is some common courtesy to consider:

* Please do not come into my space and start hacking away as if you have tonsillitis.

* Please do not wear strong perfume/cologne, because five minutes later I can still smell it.

* Please do not fart in here. Seriously.

*Please do not eat trail mix and then drop raisins on the floor. I will get scared and think its a dead roach.

*Please do not talk to yourself - I can hear you.

* Please do not dispose of things in my trash can. There are about 100 of them in the office, thanks very much.

* Please do not come into MY space to talk to my neighbor. He/she has their own entrance. When they come into work they do not hop over my table and cabinets to get to their seat.

* Please do not F with my stuff when I've departed and blame the cleaning woman. I don't think the cleaning woman would put my flip flops on my desk or turn my keyboard vertically.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Adults in Disney World!

I really do not understand how some people like Six Flags Great Adventure, and NOT Disney World. People say, "but I don't have kids" or, "my kids are too young". My husband and I have more fun than our daughter does! Disney is divided up into different parks, Epcot, Magic Kingdom and Hollywood Studios. (I don't think Animal Kingdom is much different than The Bronx zoo though, save for a few coasters.) Disney even has wedding packages!

Six Flags is always crowded, and there are more teenagers than families. If you don't like coasters and are over the age of five, there's really not that much to do, and the traffic to get in and out is insane.

Epcot is divided up into different "countries" so there is separate shopping, dining and culture for each land. I especially love Mexico and China. You can take a boat ride in Mexico, watch a movie in China, see a replica Eiffel Tower in France and have pasta in Italy. The other part of Epcot is future world, you can be a crash test dummy, go to the moon and ride in the big globe to learn about how technology has enhanced and will continue to enhance our lives.

Magic Kingdom has fireworks, shows, parades, shopping and rides to keep even the non-rider interested. Also a lot of history about Walt Disney himself. We are adults, and loved the Spectramagic parade and the Wishes fireworks show. The Haunted Mansion is a must! (they transform it into a Nightmare Before Christmas theme during Halloween) Pirates of the Caribbean and It's a Small World is another favorite of most guests. Plus, who wouldn't want a picture with Mickey and Minnie?

Hollywood Studios is great for movie buffs. The Indiana Jones stunt show is great, there is an American Idol stage where you can perform or vote, a special effects ride, and The Great Movie Ride, that literally transports you into famous scenes. Of course for thrills there are the Aerosmith Coaster and Tower of Terror - not for children at all! For dining there is a Brown Derby!

I can't neglect to mention Downtown Disney. There are bars, clubs, comedy shows and of course, shopping. There is also a Lego Land- seeing the Lego dragon sculpture is a must!

Near Disney World in Orlando there is more fun to be had: Universal Studios, the Kennedy Space Center, Old Towne, Wonderworks and countless dinner shows.

Disney and Six Flags are like Vegas and Atlantic City. Once you've been to Vegas baby, AC just doesn't compare!

Two Feet

No one likes other people's feet. Especially when said feet are on the back of MY chair in a movie theater. Gross- I don't want your sandaled foot on my hair/head! Nor do I want your flip flopped foot sticking out of the end seat from behind me right next to my arm. You also should NOT put your feet on the railing should you be sitting in the first row. People hold onto those railings! Oh and YES I can feel your kids feet on my chair and it does bother me and make me want to scream obscenities at them.

Gymed Out

Why are some people so obsessed with the need to talk about working out? You work out, I work out-whatever-its not my entire LIFE. I have a full time job, a husband, daughter and other interests. I am so tired of these Facebook posts: Can't wait for my workout after work! Have a day off, meeting my personal trainer! Just had the most amazing workout with Tom! He kicked my ass! Can't wait to try the gym facilities here in Maui! Is sore after a 5 hour intense boot camp class!

Do you read? Watch movies? Do anything besides working out? Newsflash for all you gym rats- working out is good for you, but it does NOT help with weight loss. Whats even more frustrating is the anorexic people who say they just lost 10 pounds by working out everyday. Holy F eat something- enjoy your life! Society plays a big role in this- any issue of US Weekly shows how some celebrity gained or lost 20 pounds- as if their entire existence and fame is based SOLELY on how much they weigh. Chances are when people see you, thats the first thing they notice. Not your new hair color, nice shirt or law degree-how much you weigh. You will usually be greeted by "have you lost weight" or "wow you look thin". Who cares? Whatever happened to judging people based on their values and successes in life?

Gyms make people mentally ill. You walk in and they tell you that you need special supplements, a personal trainer and a gym smoothie. They are designed to make you feel bad about yourself- which is why I HATE gyms and do not currently belong to one. Whatever happened to working out at your own leisure- for YOURSELF? Now its all about competition. When I go to a hotel gym to workout, no one bothers me. I use whichever machines I want, any way I want for as long as I want. There needs to be a gym like this for us folks who don't want to be brainwashed.

So when you ask me if I want to join your totally rad class, the answer is NO! So please, stop asking!